Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Teach Your Parent Pottery NIght!!!

This event has been approved to take place December 9th at 6:00-7:30! If you are a students come show off your skills! If you are a parent/guardian come learn from your student what you can do with clay.

I'll bring a few snacks so feel free to stop by for a few!

I am excited to meet and get to know many of you better!

Greg Johnson

*Because of limited space please don't expect to keep work from this event.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Great Reading Material!


The above link will take you to a paper by Joni H. Hough regarding cutting edge art education methods vs. those that have been typical of of art education over the last 25 years. In case you are unaware, I subscribe to a newer methodology called TAB (Teaching Artistic Behavior). TAB is a grassroots movement spawned by art teachers who want to focus on their students, not merely content. I believe TAB will continue to spread in the educational arena to receive even more national backing. I am such a believer in TAB that I would not be surprised to see it become the predominant methodology replacing the widely used DBAE (Discipline-based art education) founded in 1980 under funding by the J. Paul Getty Trust.

Stay tuned.....


Friday, September 3, 2010


Parents and Students,

Welcome to the Tigard High Ceramics blog! We will be posting pictures and upcoming events on here! Check back to see how things are going!

Greg Johnson